Sunday, October 25, 2009


I had what I thought was a great idea for a food blog.  I photographed everything I ate for three days.  I was going to make three slide shows with  the calorie counts for every item and see why I keep gaining weight when it seems like I'm not eating that much.  I found out a few shocking things about my diet.  They are:  just about everything I eat comes out of a box or a bag; I CAN go without eating for a long time; my emotional binges are cringeworthy.  It doesn't take much to throw me over the Little Debbie edge.

Only I can't make the slideshows.  The flickr slideshow freeware doesn't like me.  And the instructions are written in some accented English that doesn't always make sense.  I'm guessing Dutch.

I'm disappointed but not defeated.  The project continues...

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