Sunday, November 15, 2009

oh my gawd!

Every day I've had the intention to wake up earlier and earlier because Wednesday I have to get to Burbank at 9 a.m. for an all day class, nine hours, followed by a three-hour  meeting in Hollywood. I want to be a grown up.  I want to be a professional.  But 27 years of staying up all night and sleeping till the afternoon is apparently a hard habit to break.

I was in the bed, lights out, by 1:30, half drugged.  By 3 my brain was still tumeling so I took the other half of the pill.  Success!  I was up at 9:15! ...and down again by 9:20.  I must have turned off the high expectation alarm last night.  The next time I woke it was 1:50 PM!

Who needs to travel when I have dreams like mine?  Maybe it was the generic Xanax, but the people have become less threatening and I am not as left out.  Today, there was a HUGE high school reunion at a hotel/my house. As usual, for some reason I was not participating in the socializing and after everyone left I was worried about whether the costs were covered. People seemed to be reassuring me not to worry about it.

Scene change, someone helped me find some small item that was missing (instead of my having to scream and cry in frustration like I usually do) and then, at a cafe, a few other people were concerned with their own thing (something about an audio level, and "You're Jewish?" not even directed at me).  I was cool.  Why wake up from that?

I'll tell you why! I have a list. A color-coded "ordered list," in project management parlance.  Six major tasks that I wanted to complete this weekend, which leaves only today.  And the only things that were complete are not on the list!  I gotta go...

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