Sunday, November 1, 2009

PAJAMA DAY... and not in a good way

Wouldn’t get out of bed for THREE HOURS on Friday because I had to make a decision about taking another class. By the end of the day I'd nearly become one with my pajamas.  I really thought I could get up and go for the editing session I need to do for Thursday's class but I so didn't want to do it.  This is not looking good.  Haven’t been this sloggy for months.  However, the good news is I used to be like this every  day.  Thought it was because I got into the habit when I was recovering from surgery. Or just sleeping late every single day when I had nothing to do but go to work and earn that ungodly high paycheck for doing too much of nothing.  But it's just reluctance to live my life.  Or make decisions.  Or be a grown-up.  I felt that day like I was being sucked down into quicksand.  Do you remember when every week someone was sinking in quicksand or getting swept away by lava on Tarzan?  Those are still my two of biggest fears (there MAY have been quicksand in Brooklyn).  The other two are dwarves and conjoined twins.  Oh god... I can't even stand to type those words.

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